Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mother Earth ~ Ancient Mother

We belong to Mother Earth. Mother Earth does not belong to us. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children and all future generations. If we pollute Mother Earth, we also poison ourselves and our future.

Who does not respect nature is an involved man separated by love for himself and for humanity.

"The soul of our Mother Earth"
Poetry by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

Love doesnt triumph when
stupidity of man contained in his ignorance
does not respect our Mother Earth.

Humanity suffocates, slowly,
very slowly, in its total indifference.

Our Mother Earth, the great alive soul
warms us on her heart and
nourishes us, but we are enveloped by ignorance
we are blind and deaf to her appeal.

Maybe, are we waiting for the ill fruits of our
Mother Earth poisoning us?

Let us not being suffocated by her, we must cure
our Mother Earth with devotion, because she
nourishes us with love and energy.

I feel my spirit tremble,
while her great sick soul is suffering and
desperate because her children are ungrateful,
they havent respect for themselves and not even for her.

While she dies slowly and in silent
I feel her sorrow, her suffering and her tears
falling on my anguished heart.

Love triumphs only when
we respect ourselves and our Mother Earth.

Life will continue only if we wake up from the sleep of

I feel her suffering breath, acid rain
that falls on me and
consumes my members, while she implores us
to listen to her echo of pain that flies
to our deaf ears and to our minds
away from heart.

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